Monday, July 30, 2018

To Panamanian Readers

August 1,1968 is a date I fondly remember. It was 50 years ago that I landed in the Panama Canal Zone.  The charter jet, owned by Howard Hughes, landed at the now abandoned Howard AFB which was located on the opposite side of the Bridge of the Americas (also known as The Thatcher Ferry Bridge).  For the next eighteen months, I lived at Fort Amador - - now merely known as Amador.  

Ten years ago I went back to Panama on a Road Scholar (previously known as Elderhostel) tour, which was outstanding.  Helping to make that trip outstanding was guide Archie Kirshman. Since taking over the Canal Zone from the U.S., the Panamanian people have done wonders.  I was in awe and long to return one more time.   

The blog stats show 1% of all readers hail from Panama.  To you unknown persons, let me just say that you are lucky to be living in such a beautiful country.   Also, welcome to the blog.  
